Looking after our teams and one another.

We support the well-being of our employees on a wide range of physical heath, mental health and welfare issues.  Wetherspoon seeks to make the necessary adjustments reasonably required to help employees maintain employment and to ensure that they are not harmed by their work.

Mangers are given training to support our aim of encouraging positive mental well-being and health in the workplace (and outside of work) – an important part of the company’s commitment to being a top employer.

The range of support available to all employees is detailed in our mental health and well-being policy and includes a well-being checklist, a wellness recovery actions plan and, through the Licensed Trade Association, confidential external counselling for all employees.

The company is also committed to ensuring that all employees have the access to the right information and resources at the right time.  Every employee has access to the employee app from day one of employment, including instant access to all of the company’s policies and procedures.