National Apprenticeship Week – apprenticeship myth busters!

Apprenticeships are only for new starters, existing staff don’t qualify – FALSE! 

Over 80% of our apprentices were existing staff at Wetherspoon when they started their qualification.

Apprenticeships are only for young people and school leavers – FALSE!

In England you can choose to do an apprenticeship anytime from the age of 16. There is no upper age limit for starting an apprenticeship

I’ll get paid less if I become an apprentice – FALSE! 

At Wetherspoon, there will be no change in you pay and benefits when you become an apprentice (unless you change your job role or working hours).

Apprenticeships aren’t real qualifications – FALSE!

Apprenticeships are nationally recognised qualifications.

Each level of apprenticeship is equivalent to more traditional qualifications:

  • Level 2 is equivalent to GCSEs
  • Level 3 is equivalent to A levels
  • Level 4 is equivalent to 1st year degree
  • Level 5 is equivalent to diploma / 2nd year degree
  • Level 6 is a degree apprenticeship

I’m not academic enough to do an apprenticeship – FALSE!

You can apply for our apprenticeships even if you don’t have any qualifications. So if you’re thinking, “I failed my GCSEs”, don’t worry – we still have something for you.  In fact, if you haven’t already achieved maths and English GCSEs at grade C/level 4 or above, we will support you to gain an equivalent qualification as part of your apprenticeship.

I have to work full time to do an apprenticeship – FALSE! 

You should work a minimum of 16 hours each week and your programme will be tailored to your working time.

I don’t have time to do an apprenticeship – FALSE!

Your apprenticeship should be completed in your normal working hours.