Wetherspoon always aims to offer its staff and customers the best-possible pub experience.
Whether it is as a work place or a socialising space, a safe environment is of paramount importance to everyone.
Our pub managers and staff work closely with their local police forces and pubwatch groups, making every effort possible to ensure that the safety of staff and customers is placed as a high priority.
Wetherspoon has a dedicated security group which works directly with security company SECOM. It provides expert guidance, helping the company to make its pubs and hotels safe and secure, as well as giving invaluable and immediate first-hand assistance to our pub teams on the occasions issues do arise.
Wetherspoon’s pub & hotel security co-ordinator, Lewis said: “The purpose of the security group is to make our pubs and hotels as safe and welcoming as possible for all of our customers, guests and employees.”
Gemma (SECOM intelligence team) added: “Having worked in collaboration with Wetherspoon since January 2020, SECOM and I have been given the opportunity to support pubs, employees and the wider communities against anti-social and sometimes violent behaviour.
“Our main objective is to reduce risk against customers and staff and to encourage a safe environment.
“We are here to support and help them to empower staff, when dealing with the police or local authority, and to understand processes and legislation – which can be overwhelming.
In January 2023, the company’s pubs actively participate in at least 535 local pubwatch schemes. Many of these local initiatives are chaired by Wetherspoon’s pub managers.
Wetherspoon’s pubs across the UK also have a great working relationship with the Best Bar None initiative. The Best Bar None award scheme promotes the responsible management and operation of alcohol-licensed premises and rewards best practice. The Joseph Bramah (Barnsley) was awarded the ‘best pub from a national company’ title, as well as the most-prized ‘overall winner’ title at the Barnsley Best Bar None 2021/22 ceremony.
Ask for Angela
Wetherspoon is also promoting ‘Ask for Angela’ in pubs. ‘Ask for Angela’ is for people who feel unsafe, vulnerable or threatened. They can seek help discreetly by approaching staff and asking them for Angela.
This coded phrase will indicate to staff that they require help with their situation. A trained staff member will then look to support and assist them – which might be through reuniting them with a friend, seeing them to a taxi or calling the police.