World Breastfeeding Week

During World Breastfeeding Week, it’s important to highlight the support available to our employees during this significant phase of their life.
At Wetherspoon, we encourage a positive, accepting attitude toward employees who breastfeed. We understand the importance of providing assistance and resources to employees who choose to breastfeed their little-ones.
Our breastfeeding policy outlines the support available to employees who breastfeed and offers further contact details for expert advice from external organisations.
- Breaks for breastfeeding/expressing milk: employees who breastfeed are allowed to breastfeed or express milk during working hours, using their normal breaks and as part of additional lactation breaks (usually 20 minutes, once or twice a day) as agreed on with their line manager. If additional time is needed, beyond the agreed set breaks and lactation breaks, employees may use annual leave or may make up the time by coming into work earlier or leaving work later, as appropriate to the needs of employees and the business.
- A private place to breastfeed/express milk (not a toilet): The room will be private, lockable (where possible) and clean, with an electrical outlet and easy access to a sink for washing hands and rinsing equipment. Expressed milk should be stored in a personal cool bag or fridge space made available.
- Breastfeeding equipment: Employees are responsible for the purchase, cleaning and maintenance of breast pump equipment. Storage of milk and cleaning of breast equipment should be undertaken in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions.
- Support: Work colleagues and line managers are expected to be supportive and sensitive to the needs of breastfeeding employees.
We understand the physical, emotional and logistical challenges which come with balancing work and breastfeeding – and we’re here to support.